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She thought through ideas we discussed together, planned carefully and exploited the catalogs, and calculated in metrics, so Ikea was precisely her cup of tea. She showed a quite remarkable sensitivity in use of fabrics, ceramics and polished woods, and a nigh on professional technique in interior design. Her talents were impressive and, what’s more, the results were, like the flowers and the terra cotta pot, just striking! It surprised her at first when I said that we should not spend long periods in any one place. She picked up on the idea, though, and worked with that limitation very well. We looked at the catalog and selected major pieces and designs and basic concepts, and then she would work out detailed plans on paper on her own while I attended to other things, and then as agreed we would reconvene for a review of the plans together. She could think of a thousand and one little details and worked out answers or at least alternatives for my review, and I often had to remark to. As luck would have it, the traffic was light in the immediate city area and thinned out the further I got into the more rural areas. I spotted a fairly large country pub and took the opportunity to freshen up after the day's work and had a non-alcoholic drink before setting off on the last lap. Not being an overly confident individual, I was glad to have the chance to settle the butterflies of anticipation and nerves that were fluttering around my abdomen. They competed with a, thankfully, gentle arousing lower down, the evidence of which was not very obvious in my staid office clothing.Tucking my vehicle round the back of her house, I gathered the items from the back and set off for the back door, as we'd arranged. I was about to knock when she opened and greeted me with a wide smile, also, like me, still in her office clothes. Without preamble, we started kissing and I pushed the door shut with my heel. Not a word had been exchanged and it was quickly apparent she was as aroused as.
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